Born in a Barn - Brazil

Special Available April 16-20

Born in a barn

Address: 100 E. Ivinson Avenue, Laramie, WY 82070


Country Represented: Brazil

Special: Brazilian burger with plantains, white cheese, lime sauce and black beans


Maria Duarte Varchavtchik-Imhof

Brazilian Born Community Member

My favorite dish is something we always made in Brazil for our birthday celebrations. They are called brigadeiros and beijinhos (little kisses). My mother and actually my whole family were always looking forward to parties and making these for every birthday in our family.

Now being in the United States and having a family of my own, I enjoy making these treats for my children. They look like truffles but the consistency is a lot different. Brigadeiros are chocolate like and beijinhos have a coconut coating on them. I have not seen a kid in Brazil that wouldn’t have one or several more of these decadent sweets. I hope my children one day share these recipes with their own families. Tradition is something so important to me!