The Third Street plan, created with public input, will lead to significant improvements along the corridor. It was facilitated by Laramie Main Street and adopted in 2017 by City of Laramie and WYDOT.
Construction on 3rd Street Improvements Begins
LARAMIE, Wyo. - Crews with Knife River and the Wyoming Department of Transportation will start work along US Highway 287/Third Street in Laramie on Monday, weather depending.
The project limits extend from 3rd Street and Boswell north to 3rd Street and Curtis Street.
Work will include new asphalt surfacing, ADA upgrades, and a box culvert replacement at the Spring Creek Bridge. Signal upgrades will also take place at Garfield St., Grand Ave., Ivinson Ave., and University Ave.
Detours will be provided to maintain access to businesses and side roads while the approach work takes place. There will be a 12 foot width restriction in place while work is completed.
The project is anticipated to be completed by the fall.
Motorists should expect possible delays due to single lane shifts through construction zones and lowered speed limits. Travelers are encouraged to avoid distractions like cell phones while moving through work zones.
Schedule updates on the project will be distributed regularly.
All WYDOT project scheduling is subject to change, including due to adverse weather or material availability.
Andrea Stately - Sr. Public Relations Specialist
307-745-2142 |
Schedule as of 2/28/25
Resources for Business During Construction
We’ve put together some helpful materials for your businesses to use during construction. Modify these poster and Instagram templates to suite your business and your specific information.
Business Guide
We’ve pulled together all sorts of ideas and resources for your business! Templates and other materials mentioned in this booklet are available below!
Social Media Posts
Beautification and Public Art
Plans to further improve Third Street are being stewarded by the City, Laramie Public Art and Laramie Main Street.
While WYDOT will oversee construction in late spring of 2025 (closures will be limited to one lane so traffic will still flow in both directions) in January 2024, project partners put out a RFQ for Firm/Team/Artist(s) to develop public art and beautification treatments for the Third Street corridor.
The goal is to reflect Laramie’s values visually while encouraging visitors to stop and explore our downtown.
The need for a public artwork that is visible both day and night and interactive with cars and pedestrians has been identified through previous planning. The artwork will serve as a signifier that visitors and residents are entering downtown, becoming a core part of the community experience.
An open house was held June 26 to begin gathering public input. Those interested in serving on the artist selection committee can apply here.
Project Timeline
July 2024: Release RFQ for artist
July 2024: Information session and workshop for local artists to apply
Week of August 19, 2024: Selection Committee review of applications, finalists identified
Week of August 26, 2024: Finalist interviews
Artist/artist team selected by September 2024
Fall 2024: Artist visit to Laramie to meet with community, business owners and Third Street team
January 2025: Artist returns to Laramie to present conceptual designs to Third Street team and for community feedback
Spring 2025: Final design review and engineering drawings; coordination with WYDOT and construction team as needed
Spring - Fall: 2025: WYDOT completes bulb-outs, curb, gutter and ADA improvements on Third
June 2026: Artwork installation
If you would like a template that is not available, please reach out to Jennifer at