The Library - Australia

Special Available April 16-20

The library sports grille & brewery

Address: 201 E. Custer Street, Laramie, WY 82070


Country Represented: Australia

Special: Fish & Chips


 Paul Talyor

Australian born artist and community member

Friday Fish’n Chips Friday was always Fish’n Chip night in our home.

And it was my Dad’s job to bring home the bounty, wrapped snuggly in newspaper.

A Catholic home with 9 hungry kids.

The Catholic tradition is that we abstain from meat on a Friday, but fish is good.

Kids waiting impatiently for the food to arrive, our tummies are growling.

A modest home in the suburb of Findon, Adelaide, South Australia.

About 3 miles from the beach. Corner Fish’n Chip shops abound the Adelaide suburbs.

A hangover from British culture, small businesses often run by new immigrants.

Mrs Malinauskas ran her shop 50 yards from our front door.

She loved us Taylor kids, often giving us handfuls of more chips.

We loved her. She always greeted us with wild vibrant joy in her thick Lithuanian accent.

We hardly ever saw Mr Malinauskas. He did all the cooking in the back kitchen.

They built their shop together by hand. Their grandson Peter is the current Premier (Governor) of South Australia.

Fresh caught fish, deep fried.

Crispy beer-battered fish fillets served with golden chips/fries, homemade tartar sauce, lemon, salt & vinegar White fleshed fish, whiting, flathead, snapper, gar, flake (shark)

My Dad always had gar, I loved the flake.

Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! He’s home!!!!…. we scream!!!…. and mob him like flies as he steps inside.