Happy Holidays from Laramie Main Street Alliance


As we celebrate the holidays and prepare to dream big in 2020, we invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution that will help us preserve downtown Laramie while enhancing its economic and social vitality! Every dollar spent by Main Street creates additional investment in the district and has a direct and positive impact on the businesses, building owners, employees and residents of downtown Laramie. 

Over the last few months, we've been hard at work on our priority projects, creating a climate downtown for business growth, beautification, and an enhanced visitor experience. In addition to our ongoing efforts to revitalize the district, we've focused on: 

  • The successful acquisition of the historic Wyo Theater 

  • Improving existing and developing new business incentives 

  • Launching “Made on Main” to support and grow makers, boutique manufactures, and the creative economy

  • Reviewing proposed design standards for downtown that will incentivize good design and historic preservation

  • Hosting promotions that increase customer traffic and drive sales

  • Coordinating a series of clean up days to improve the look of the district and infuse a sense of pride among property owners 

  • Redeveloping underutilized space for housing and new businesses 

  • Identifying partners and sources of funds for wayfinding signs Continuation of the murals, bike racks, and farm walls as placemaking projects that beautify and enhance the district 

Thank you in advance for your fiscal support!

Laramie Main Street is a non-profit that relies on public donations to help us meet our mission critical expenses.

Donate & Make a Difference

As a 501(c)3, we rely on public donations to help us meet our mission critical expenses. We are currently raising funds for wayfinding signage, the Wyo Theater, public art, facade improvements, and holiday lights. We also appreciate gifts to our general operations that ensure our economic development, historic preservation, marketing and business coaching services remain free to any entrepreneur or property owner downtown.

Donations in any amount are appreciated and are tax deductible. 

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our revitalization efforts.

From board members who steward our big picture strategies to one-time volunteers that help with special events, we couldn't do it without you!

For more information on putting your time, talents and passions to work with us, call 307-760-3355 or email downtownlaramie@gmail.com

Volunteer with Us

Click the button below to access our volunteer application. We will do our best to match your interest with a committee and/or project that you will find rewarding!