Sherwood Looks Back on 10 Years as Main Street Director

As Laramie Main Street begins to make plans for its 15-year anniversary, Director Trey Sherwood reflects on her 10 years with the organization. 

In honor of a decade with Main Street, I want to recognize all the volunteers, board members, staff, interns, City staff, councilors, entrepreneurs, and artists who have taken giant leaps of faith with me to invest in revitalizing downtown Laramie. My work, and our success, has been blessed by many hands sharing their time and talents.
— Trey Sherwood

“In honor of a decade with Main Street, I want to recognize all the volunteers, board members, staff, interns, City staff, councilors, entrepreneurs, and artists who have taken giant leaps of faith with me to invest in revitalizing downtown Laramie. My work, and our success, has been blessed by many hands sharing their time and talents”. 

Over the past 10 years, Sherwood has helped over 104 net new businesses open downtown, witnessed the creation of 484 net new jobs, documented 294 private renovation projects, utilized over 36,182 volunteer hours, and conducted 36 public improvement projects for a total of more than $17 million invested downtown. 

From the acquisition of the Wyo Theater in Aug. 2019, to the award winning Laramie Mural Project she co-founded with Susan Moldenhaur in 2011, a $3 million dollar infill project with the City of Laramie and Big Hollow Food Co-op in 2017, to the multiple years of merging all the downtown entities under one organizational umbrella, Trey has been a passionate, tireless advocate for the downtown district. 

As I begin my 11th year with Main Street, I look forward to maximizing our building assets, including the Empress and the Wyo, getting the wayfinding signs installed, adopting design standards for downtown that will preserve the historical integrity of the district, reviving our façade grant program, celebrating our 15 year anniversary, and improving our business services
— Trey Sherwood

Sherwood shared, “As I begin my 11th year with Main Street, I look forward to maximizing our building assets, including the Empress and the Wyo, getting the wayfinding signs installed, adopting design standards for downtown that will preserve the historical integrity of the district, reviving our façade grant program, celebrating our 15 year anniversary, and improving our business services”.

To celebrate, Sherwood is asking supporters to make a tax-deductible investment in Laramie Main Street. Checks can be made out to “LMSA” and mailed to 115 Ivinson Avenue, Laramie, WY 82070 or made online at: