Adore Downtown — Downtown Laramie

Laramie Main Street’s Office has moved. Our new address is 103 Grand Ave.

Adore Downtown

Order by February 9th at noon, Delivered on February 11th

Do you have a special someone you adore? Laramie Main Street volunteers are hand-delivering adore-a-grams this Valentine’s Day!

Send one of the selections below to your close friends, favorite baristas, rock star employees, or sweetheart.

$5: Personalized card ( "______ adores You!")
$15: Personalized Card and a fresh rose from The Wild Rose
$25: Personalized Card, a fresh rose from The Wild Rose, and a 4-truffle gift box from The Chocolate Cellar

Place your order by Wednesday, February 9th at Noon by visiting

All deliveries will be made on Friday, February 11th.

All proceeds support the continuation of Laramie Main Street Alliance's events, projects, and programming for Downtown Laramie.
